Fitbit launched in India on 25 August 2015. At the launch they announced that they'll be available in India exclusively on Amazon.
For the launch, Fitbit had tied up with Men's Health magazine for the launch. The event saw many volunteers at their peaks. The IndiBlogger event had Men's Health's Jamal Shaikh and NDTV Tech Guru's Rajiv Makhani.
At the launch event, they announced that their range of fitness bands will be available through Amazon India and then they'll be expanding to offline stores like Reliance and Croma.
The Fitbit range of fitness bands available on
With Fitbit gaining popularity in India and seeing ever increasing popularity of eCommerce sites in India, they probably decided to launch their range of awesome bands on Snapdeal too!
For the launch, Fitbit had tied up with Men's Health magazine for the launch. The event saw many volunteers at their peaks. The IndiBlogger event had Men's Health's Jamal Shaikh and NDTV Tech Guru's Rajiv Makhani.
At the launch event, they announced that their range of fitness bands will be available through Amazon India and then they'll be expanding to offline stores like Reliance and Croma.
The Fitbit range of fitness bands available on
- Fitbit surge
- Fitbit charge HR
- Fitbit charge
- Fitbit flex
- Fitbit one
- Fitbit zip
- Fitbit Aria WiFi Smart Scale
With Fitbit gaining popularity in India and seeing ever increasing popularity of eCommerce sites in India, they probably decided to launch their range of awesome bands on Snapdeal too!
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